Integral to this unique World Cup Masters/Veterans Football Tournament is an international symposium that focuses on applied sports science research and practice-based issues related to Masters/Veterans football communities in local and global contexts including: player and team development, sport and health physiology, psychology, small-sided game analysis, injury-prevention, coaching science, football development and socio-cultural perspectives of masters/veterans football.
"Symposium" (The Concise Oxford Dictionary) - 1. drinking party of ancient Greeks with conversation etc after banquet 2. philosophical or other friendly discussion; set of contributions on one subject from various authors and points of view at meeting.
Hubball, H. T., & Díaz-Cidoncha García, J. & Robertson, S. (2021). Research methods to enhance amateur/grassroots football: Strategic inquiry for coach leaders/administrators. International Science and Football Association Newsletter Magazine, 5th Ed.
2022 Key Note Presentation
1. Steven Martens, FIFA Technical Director/Arsene Wenger, Chief, Global Football Development, FIFA (delayed)
2. Harry Hubball, Founding International Tournament Chairperson (2006-2022)
3. Feature Poster Presenations: Masters Football: Regional, National & International Initiatives (Teams)
2021 Key Note Presentation
Feature Poster Presentations: Professor Peter Krustrup, "Football is Medicine: Masters Football Reseaech" Sport & Exercise Science, University of Southern Denmark.
2019 Key Note Presentation
1. Lionel Chamoulaud (Leading French Sports TV Presenter & Journalist) “2018 FIFA World Cup Winners in Moscow: Les Blues!”
2. Feature Poster Presentations (in collaboration with the Department of Sport & Exercise Science, University D'Evry, Paris, France); Masters Football: Regional, National & International Initiatives (Participating Teams)
** For video clips of 2019 Paris Tournament venue (click here for video 1, click here for video 2).
2018 Key Note Presentation
1. Honorary Guests for International Tournament Draw (Former Ajax and Dutch National Players): Kees Kist, Sjaak Swart, Dick Shoenaker, Wim Rijsbergen.
2. Guest Football Investigative Researcher:Football, Corruption & Lies: Revisiting Badfellas (poster click here) - Prof. John Sugden, University of Brighton, UK.
3. Feature Poster Presentations: Physiotherapy & Injury Prevention for Masters Footballers: Tournament Preparations (Chris Franks, Vancouver Whitecaps FC, Canada) poster click here; Masters Football: Regional, National & International Initiatives (Participating Teams); Masters Walking Football: Health and Sport Science - Dr. Pete Reddy, Aston University; Dr. Peter Watt, University of Brighton.
2017 Key Note Presentations
- 060+ International Super Veterans 5-a-side World Cup Football Tournament, Qatar 2021 - Dr. Ruben Goebel, Director, Sports Science, Qatar University, Doha, Qatar; Multi-national Veterans Competitive Soccer Developments: North American, European, UK & Global Practices - Mike Sweeney, Cleveland Whitecaps Premier Soccer Club, USA
- Performance Analysis: Scouting Experiences in the English Premier League - John Lambert, MUFC
- Feature Poster Presentation. Veterans Football: Regional, National & International Initiatives - Swansea, Wales
2016 Presentations
Hubball, H.T. (2016). Qatar University 2021 Host Proposal: 060+ Super Masters/Veterans 5-a-side Football Tournament and Symposium. QU Sports Science, Doha, Qatar; Hubball, H.T. (2016). Qatar University 2021 Host Proposal: 060+ Super Masters/Veterans 5-a-side Football Tournament and Symposium. QU Sports Science, Doha, Qatar; Hubball, H.T. (2016). Impact of the 2006-2016 Veterans 5-aside World Cup: Research and Practice Initiatives. 2016 Veterans World Cup, Algarve, Portugal.
2015 Presentations
Hubball, H.T., & Reddy, P. (2015). Impact of walking football: Effective team strategies for high performance veteran players. World Congress for Science and Football, Copenhagen, Denmark; Reddy, P., et al. (2015). The beautiful game: Can older adults play? Should older adults play? What is the potential of walking football? World Congress for Science and Football, Copenhagen, Denmark; Krustrup, P. 2015, Chair, World Congress on Science and Football, Copenhagen, Denmark.
2011 Key Note Presentations
(1) "Football Coaching and The Team for Peace Initiative", John Lambert, Senior Lecturer, Chelsea School of Sport & PE, University of Brighton, UK.
(2) "Masters Football and Sports Injury Prevention" Professor, Istanbul University, Turkey.
2010 Key Note Presentations
(1) "Masters/Veterans Football & Sport Psychology", Howard K. Hall, Professor, Sport and Exercise Psychology, Chair, Sport Related Subjects, York St John University, UK.
(2) "The beautiful game - but why do we stop playing it in our thirties? How can more of us carry on into our fifties and sixties?: Masters/Veterans football & sport medicine/injury prevention." Peter Reddy, Senior Lecturer in Psychology, Associate Dean for Learning and Teaching School of Life and Health Sciences, Aston University, UK.
2008 Key Note Presentations
Professor Stephen A. Mitchell, Sport Studies, Physical Education/Teacher
Education, Kent State University, USA "Teaching old dogs
new tricks: Teaching, coaching, and training practices for
a lifetime of football participation.". Professor Helmut
Brinker, Zurich University "Origins of Football in China.".
Professor John Sugden, Sociology of Sport, Chelsea School,
University of Brighton, UK"Sport and Spies. The Dark
Side of Sport and International Relations.". Doctor Peter
Watt, Sport and Exercise Science, Chelsea School, University
of Brighton, UK"Do my genes look big in this bottom?:
Obesity, exercise and the impact of genetic engineering to
sports and ageing."
2006 Key Note Presentations
"FIFA World Cup Issues" (Professor John Sugden,
UK), "Are you Passed it Yet - Ageing and Competitive
Soccer" (Dr. Peter Watt, UK) and "Masters' Soccer
Communities: Local and Global Contexts" (Dr. Harry Hubball,

Masters Tournament Injury Prevent Strategies

SPORT ANALYSIS RESEARCH GRANT: LONGITUDINAL STUDY (Franks, I. & Hubball, H.).To investigate sustainable tournament/game formats, team and player development and impact experiences with 055-065+ teams/players in the International Super Masters World Cup Football Tournament (2017-2022).
Hubball, H. T., & Díaz-Cidoncha García, J. (2022). Coaching Implications for Amateur/Grassroots 60+ Small-Sided Football: Strategic Team and Player Development in Local and International Contexts. Invited Chapter. In T.M. Leeder (Ed.), Coach education in football: Contemporary issues and global perspectives: Routledge Publishers, UK.
Hubball, H. T., & Díaz-Cidoncha García, J. & Faulkner, G. (2022). Mental health benefits of seniors' 50-65+ small-sided football: Coaching implications in local and international contexts. International Science and Football Association Newsletter Magazine, 6th Ed.
Hubball, H. T., & Díaz-Cidoncha García, J. (2022). Peer review of coaching in diverse international amateur/grassroots 50-65+ small-sided football contexts. International Science & Football Association Newsletter Magazine, 6th Ed.
Hubball, H. T., & Díaz-Cidoncha García, J. (2021). International Perspectives of Strategic Team and Player Development in Diverse Amateur/Grassroots 60+ Small-Sided Football Contexts. Global Research in Higher Education, 4(1), 48-63.
Hubball, H.T., Díaz-Cidoncha García, J., Christensen, L. C., Kauppinen, R., Fox, G., & Robertson, S. (in press, April 2021). Restarting the 2021 International 60+ Masters Small-Sided Football World Cup in Denmark During the Covid-19 Pandemic. International Science and Football Association Newsletter Magazine, 5th Ed.
Hubball, H. T., Díaz-Cidoncha García, J. & Robertson, S. (in press, April 2021). Research methods to enhance amateur/grassroots football: Strategic inquiry for coach leaders/administrators. International Science and Football Association Newsletter Magazine, 5th Ed.
Robertson, S., Hubball, H.T., Christensen, L. C., Kauppinen, R., Fox, G., & Díaz-Cidoncha García, J. (accepted, 2021). Covid-19 Return to Play Safety Protocol for the 2021 International 60+ Masters Small-Sided Football World Cup. Chapter for the International Journal for Sport & Society.
Hubball, H. T., & Díaz-Cidoncha García, J. (2020). Research-informed and evidence-based quality assurance and enhancement in amateur/grassroots football: Strategic educational inquiry for coach leaders/administrators. Global Research in Higher Education, 3(4), 42-57.
Hubball, H.T. & Díaz-Cidoncha García, J. (2020). Strategic program development to enhance 55-65+ small-sided football in diverse international contexts: The art, science and politics of implementation. Global Research in Higher Education. 3(2), 34-51.
Hubball, H.T., Lopes, P., & Díaz-Cidoncha García, J. (2020). Team performance analysis in advanced 55-65+ small-sided football contexts. International Science and Football Association Publication, 4th Edition.
Webb, B., Gainey, J, Hill, N., Christensen, L.C., & Hubball, H.T., (2020). Effective officiating practices for an International Masters 5-a-side World Cup Football Tournament. International Science and Football Association Newsletter Publication, 4th Edition.
Corepal, R., Zhang, J. Y., Grover, S., Hubball, H. T., & Ashe, M. C. (2020 in press). Walking football: A systematic review of an emerging modified sport. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine, Science and Sport.
Hubball, H.T., & Lopes, P. (2019). Performance analysis in elite masters football: Strategic team and player development implications. In M. Hughes and Ian M. Franks (3nd Edition), Essentials of Performance Analysis in Sport. New York, USA: Routledge.
Franks, C., Lilley, T., Hubball, H.T. & Franks, I.M. (2019). Injury prevention and performance enhancement: Tournament strategies for 055+ masters football teams and players. International Science and Football Association Newsletter Publication.
Hubball, H.T., Franks, I., Sweeney, M., & Kauppinen, R. (2018). Effective 3-a-side game formats and team strategies for advanced-level 055-070+ players. International Science and Football Association Publication.
Hubball, H.T., Reddy, P., Sweeney, M., & Kauppinen, R. (2018). Evolution and Sustainability of the International Super Veterans 5-a-side World Cup Football Tournament (2006-2022): A strategic approach. International Journal for Sport and Society.
Krustrup P, Williams CA, Mohr M, Hansen PR, Helge EW, Elbe A-M, de Sousa M, Dvorak J, Junge A, Hammami A, Holtermann A, Larsen MN, Kirkendall D, Schmidt JF, Andersen TR, Buono, P, Rørth M, Parnell D, Ottesen L, Bennike S, Nielsen JJ, Mendham AE, Zar A, Uth J, Hornstrup T, Brasso K, Nybo L, Krustrup BR, Meyer T, Aagaard P, Andersen JL, Hubball H, Reddy PA, Ryom, K, Lobelo F, Barene S, Helge JW, Fatouros IG, Nassis G, Xu Jin Cheng, Pettersen SA, Calbet J, Seabra A, Rebelo N, Figueiredo P, Póvoas S, Castagna C, Milanovic Z, Bangsbo J, Randers MB & Brito J. (2018). The "Football is Medicine" platform - scientific evidence, large-scale implementation of evidence-based concepts and future perspectives.Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sports.
Hubball, H.T. (2017). Sports Science Research Informing Practice: Sustainability of a Masters/Veterans 5-a-side Football World Cup (2006-2021). ISAFA – International Science and Football Association Publication, Article 12.
Hubball, H.T., & Reddy, P. (2015). Impact of walking football: Effective team strategies for high performance veteran players. The International Journal of Sport and Society: Journal of Sports Pedagogy and Physical Education, 6(1), 13-27.
Hubball, H.T., Mitchell, S. & Reddy, P. (2010). Universities masters world cup soccer: Integrated sports science research and implementation of an international masters soccer community. World Leisure Journal, 52(1).
Hubball, H.T. (2010). Context-based learning impacts on team development and performance outcomes: Critical preparations for the masters/veterans futsal world cup. International Journal of Sport & Society, 1(1).
Hubball, H.T. (2010). No one-size fits all: Coaching considerations for Masters soccer programs. NSCAA Soccer Journal, May/June, 11 pgs.
Hubball, H.T., Dumbrille, J., & Reid, J. (2009). Multi-media contributions to player development in a masters/veterans futsal team. Transformative Dialogues Journal, 3(3).